Cherry – Minnie Royal
The Mini Royal is an exceptional low-chill cherry well suited to our climate in Southern California
Papaya- Indonesian Dwarf
A tropical evergreen plant from South America that produces fruit one year after planting!
Papaya-Tainung 1
A tropical evergreen plant from South America that produces fruit one year after planting!
Banana – Dwarf Jamaican Red
The Dwarf ‘Jamaican Red’ Banana is one of the most beautiful varieties
A beautiful evergreen tree displaying tropical foliage 11 months out of the year.Begins fruiting one or two years after planting.
Chinese Mulberry / Cheh
The Chinese Mulberry is a small red fruit produced on a small tree from Northern China.
Curry Leaf
A widely used spice and a versatile ornamental hedge – The curry leaf has it all.
A distinctive evergreen shrub from Brazil which produces fruit throughout the year.
Jujube / Chinese Date

An easy to grow, drought- tolerant fruit tree used in Chinese medicine for centuries.
Macadamia Nut
This tree produces one of the very best flavored nuts available.
Miracle Fruit
The amazing “taste twisting” miracle fruit from Africa that changes taste perception.
Mulberry – Pakistani
An exceptionally good variety for growing in Southern California
Mulberry-King White
A very versatile and productive fruit. This variety is the best.
This fruit is one of, if not the very best flavored berry-like fruit in the world!
Papaya – Moys
A tropical evergreen plant from South America that produces fruit one year after planting!
Papaya-Hawaiian Solo
A tropical evergreen plant from South America that produces fruit one year after planting!
Papaya-Red Lady Dwarf
A tropical evergreen plant from South America that produces fruit one year after planting!
An attractive evenly branching small evergreen tree grows to 12 feet
Surinam Cherry
The Surinam Cherry is a shrub or tree, to 25 ft (high, has slender, spreading branches and resinously aromatic foliage.