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Latest Articles:

Did My Guava Tree Survive The Cold Weather We Had Recently?

My question is when will I be able to tell if the tree has survived the cold weather and if it needs to be replaced. Is there a way to determine at this time if it is still alive?
What Books Do You Recommend For A Rare Fruit Grower?

Q: What books do you recommend for a rare fruit grower?
For Citrus And Avocados How Do You Know If You’re Over Or Under Watering?

Proper applications of water for citrus and especially avocados can oftentimes make the difference between success and failure.
Which Micronutrients Do You Supply?

Q: Do you supply micronutrients to some plants; if so, which ones? A: Yes I do supply micronutrients to some plants. It will depend on the species in question as to what and how often a micronutrient is applied.That being said, Molybdenum,Chlorine,Boron and Copper are micronutrients that are usually not shown to be deficient in […]
What Potting Soils Are Best To Use?

The potting media that I use often-times depends on the species that I am transplanting.
How And When Do I Harvest My Jujube?

How can we tell when the jujubes are ripe?
What is the best time to harvest (how should they look/feel)?
How do they keep best?
How Do I Care For My Curry Leaf Tree?

1. Should I plant it outdoors in the ground or plant it in a larger container and keep it in the shade?
2. How often should I add some fertilizer; do you have any preferences?
3. Does the plant like full sun, partial sun or full shade? Is it happier outdoors or indoors?
How Do I Pollinate My Cherimoyas?

Q1: Where do I look for the pollen in the cherimoya flower and how do I pollinate the flower?
Cherimoyas – When To Pick, Cracking, & Black Areas

Q: I typically pick the fruit in March. Is this the right timing? Also, during the winter the fruit some times cracks or turns black in areas. How can I prevent this?