Article by Susan Hirsch – Published in the Blog.

Alex With Caper Bush
If you go visit Alex, owner of Papaya Tree Nursery in Granada Hills, plan to be transported into his magical kingdom, aka his back yard! Nothing is as it seems in his realm; there is the mango tree with 7 different vareties grafted onto it, the banana cluster with the dove nest on top – not to be picked until the babies were gone…best bananas I ever had!
He has special cherry trees that bear fruit in warm climates (very rare) and caper berry trees for the purist who must pickle their own!
Alex actually does a lot of business with chefs and cooks. He is an expert on grafting and pruning. He can also design a scented garden.
All this knowledge and the nursery comes from his father, an engineer who started the enterprise 26 years ago. He is obviously a favorite with the California Rare Fruit Growers — LA chapter. And the SoCal Cherimoya Society. Oh, you never heard of them? What about the East Indian curry leaf tree.….….Oh, and you could have a nice little meal at his nursery, just sampling the fruit.
Tags: Alex Silber, Banana, California Rare Fruit Growsers, caper, cherry, David Silber, mangoes